🔥 Release of Stable Diffusion 3
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Release of Stable Diffusion 3

Stable Diffusion 3 is a significant improvement over previous versions. The new model uses the Multimodal Diffusion Transformer (MMDiT) architecture, which enhances text comprehension and image quality.

Release of Stable Diffusion 3


Generative AI is a technology capable of creating new data (such as images or texts) based on a trained model. One of the leading tools in this field is Stable Diffusion, a system that uses algorithms to transform text into images. Recently, a new version of this model, Stable Diffusion 3, has been released.

What's New in Stable Diffusion 3?

Stable Diffusion 3 is a significant improvement over previous versions. The new model uses the Multimodal Diffusion Transformer (MMDiT) architecture, which enhances text comprehension and image quality. Key innovations include:

  • Improved accuracy in following text prompts and rendering text.
  • Enhanced image quality and the ability to handle multiple objects.
  • A range of models from 800 million to 8 billion parameters, allowing for the selection of an optimal model for various tasks and hardware requirements.
  • New methods for preventing misuse and increasing the safety of the model.

Why Is This Important?

The new features and improvements of Stable Diffusion 3 are important for users as they expand possibilities for creativity and development. Enhanced accuracy and image quality enable the creation of more realistic and detailed works. These changes also make the tool more accessible to users with varying technical skills and resources.

How to Start Using Stable Diffusion 3?

To start working with Stable Diffusion 3, you can use our website. There are also plans to release the model for self-hosting.

Personal Impressions

Using Stable Diffusion 3 has shown a significant improvement in image quality and the accuracy of following text prompts in our research. For example, when creating advertising materials and visualizations for presentations, the new version allowed for more impressive and realistic results.


Updates and improvements to tools like Stable Diffusion play a crucial role in the advancement of technology and the expansion of creative possibilities. I encourage everyone interested to try the new version of Stable Diffusion 3 and take advantage of its capabilities for their projects.